Sunday 8 July 2012

Tangelo and vanilla cupcakes with tangelo buttercream


It's oh so quiet shhh shhh! That's what it's like in our house when my 17 month old is sleeping. I know, i know, all the books say "make noise". Well I invite all of those " experts" to come into my home and experience what happens when my boy doesn't get enough sleep, he is the "child from hell" ( I love my son, I promise) this boy, as gorgeous and funny, and sweet as he is has had a serious problem with sleep since he was born, and after many many sleep deprived nights our family enjoys 12 blissful hours most nights and 21/2hr naps through the day and I have worked my butt off to get it that way, not to mention we have a much happier family for it. As far as I'm concerned, go with what works, and being quiet works.

So yes that means when Isaac's sleeping between 11 and 2 during the day it's quiet time for mummy in more ways than one, even the poor dogs get roused on when they play too loud, it's quite funny how they can "mute" themselves mid play, the "shenanigans" continue minus the growling. I have good dogs. Oh and God forbid anyone flush a toilet!! or sneeze for that matter, (My poor dad!) I have become quite the bossy Mummy, of which I make no apologies for!

During Isaac's sleep today I dreamed up these cupcakes to make good use of the tangelos I bought at the fruit market when we were at Bribie Island yesterday i was trying to replicate the orange rock candy flavor and I think they turned out fab!


Tangelo and vanilla cupcakes with tangelo buttercream


125g plain flour

125g caster sugar

125g soft unsalted butter

2 eggs

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Approximately 2 tablespoons milk

Zest of 1 tangelo

  1. Preheat oven to 180°c ( 170°c fan forced)
  2. Cream butter and sugar until light in color
  3. Add dry ingredients, eggs, vanilla and tangelo zest; beat until combined
  4. Add milk and beat for 2 minutes
  5. Divide the mixture amongst a 12 pattycake lined tin.
  6. Bake for 15 minutes or until tops spring back to touch.

Tangelo buttercream

100 grams Softened Butter

Zest of 1 Tangelo

225 grams Icing Sugar sifted

1 tablespoon tangelo juice

  1. Beat butter, zest and sifted icing sugar with the balloon whisk of an electric stand mixer until light and fluffy.
  2. Gradually add the tangelo juice until desired piping consistency is achieved ( I find I use all the juice but I prefer a softer icing).

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